Tell ADEQ to protect the Patagonia Mountains from South32
We need you to comment now on the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality’s (ADEQ) intent to give South32 an Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (AZPDES). The comment deadline is January 12, 2024. South32 seeks to develop a new underground mine...
Arizona Events to Protect Oak Flat March 8 – 11
Join us in Arizona for several events to protect Oak Flat. Attend these events to learn more about efforts to protect Oak Flat, why we should protect Oak Flat, and to take action. (Check back here regularly for actions you can take to protect Oak Flat.) Roy Chavez...
Contact your Members of Congress to Cosponsor the Save Oak Flat Act
This action is no longer active as these bills died at the end of the last Congress.. Please visit other pages for action you can take. Currently 13 young people representing 10 tribes are in Washington DC, now to urge support for the Save Oak Flat Act. Please...
2022 International Day of Action Against Rio Tinto
April 8, 2022, is a day of activities directed toward Rio Tinto, the world’s second largest mining company for their abuses of communities and the environment around the world. The Arizona Mining Reform Coalition is joining NGOs from Australia, Madagascar, Mongolia,...
International Day of Action Against BHP
October 13, 2021, kicks off several days of activities directed at BHP, for their abuses of communities and the environment around the world. The Arizona Mining Reform Coalition is joining NGOs from Brazil, Chile, Peru, Columbia, the UK, and the USA, in virtual...
2021 International week of actions against Rio Tinto
April 5, 2021, kicks off a week of activities directed toward Rio Tinto, the world’s second largest mining company for their abuses of communities and the environment around the world. The Arizona Mining Reform Coalition is joining NGOs from Australia, Madagascar,...
The Patagonia mountains near the town of Patagonia on the Arizona – Mexico border are facing an onslaught of proposed mining activities that would profoundly and irreparably damage one of our nation’s biodiversity hotspots. The mining activity is being forced by...
Send a Letter to the Biden Administration to Protect Oak Flat
Please sign your organization onto a letter urging President Joe Biden to immediately withdraw the recently issued Final Environmental Impact Statement, Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange (EIS 20210005) that will facilitate a land exchange and construction of the Resolution Copper mine, resulting in the destruction of a Native American sacred area, Oak Flat or Chi’chil Bildagoteel.