Jan 5, 2021 | Action Alert, Arizona Mining Oversight, Oak Flat Mining |
We need your help to keep Oak Flat in public ownership for everyone to enjoy. If you live in the United States you have additional opportunities to protect Oak Flat by contacting the US Forest Service. No matter where you live, please send an email to Simon Thompson, the Chairman of the Board of Rio Tinto, and ask him to not steal Oak Flat and to abandon the project.
Dec 21, 2020 | Action Alert, Arizona Mining Oversight, Oak Flat Mining |
This Action is now closed. While it was active, 1,352 emails were sent to the Forest Service Chief. Thanks to all who took action! It is clear that the US Forest Service is bowing to political pressure to expedite the publishing of a Final Environmental Impact...
Mar 8, 2020 | Action Alert, Arizona Mining Oversight |
If you are in Washington, DC, on March 11, 2020, please attend this rally to protect Oak...
Oct 18, 2019 | Action Alert, Arizona Mining Oversight |
The deadline for this action has expired. The Coronado National Forest is currently accepting comments on the Sunnyside Exploratory Drilling Project in the Patagonia Mountains A Canadian junior mining company is attempting to develop another mining project in the...
Sep 26, 2019 | Action Alert, Arizona Mining Oversight, Oak Flat Mining
The Tonto National Forest has released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) examining Rio Tinto’s Resolution Copper mine proposal and is asking for your comments. The deadline for comments is November 7, 2019. Please go to our alert to learn more and to edit...
Sep 13, 2019 | Action Alert, Arizona Mining Oversight, Oak Flat Mining |
New Reports reveal serious problems with Proposed Resolution Copper mine proposal and US Forest Service DEIS The Arizona Mining Reform Coalition has released three new reports showing that Resolution Copper’s proposal to mine copper and the US Forest Service’s Draft...
Sep 3, 2019 | Action Alert, Arizona Mining Oversight, Oak Flat Mining |
The US Forest Service will host 6 public meetings starting September 10 in Superior, AZ, on Rio Tinto’s proposal to destroy Oak Flat and thousands of additional acres of public land. The Forest Service has added (as of September 20) another meeting in Tempe, AZ...
Aug 5, 2019 | Action Alert, Arizona Mining Oversight |
This action is no longer active. Thanks to everyone that signed the petition. . Unfortunately, Oak Flat is under attack by two huge foreign mining companies that refuse to play by the rules in the quest for control this incredible place. High above the...
Feb 26, 2018 | Action Alert, Arizona Mining Oversight |

Please comment now to protect precious Arizona groundwater
The deadline for comments is Tuesday, February 27, 2018, so act now!
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently accepting comments for a draft permit that would allow a brand-new mining company with no track record to pollute Arizona groundwater to extract copper from Arizona grasslands rich in cultural heritage just upstream from the Willcox playa, winter home to thousands of imperiled Sandhill cranes.
The permit would allow the company to drill 1,400 wells and inject over 7,000,000 gallons of sulfuric acid a day into the groundwater.
In-situ mining is a type of mining that injects acid into the ground to dissolve copper and other minerals. This toxic solution of copper and acid is then pumped from the ground and processed to remove the copper. In-situ mining, by definition, is the intentional pollution of ground water. In-situ mining has long been used to produce uranium but (outside of several existing mines) has never been attempted to mine copper. No in-situ mine has ever returned the groundwater to pre-mining conditions.
What could possibly go wrong?!!
Please send the EPA comments on this inappropriate project.
For More Information:
Original comments from a Coalition of groups
Supplemental comments
EPA’s project website
Updated 2/26/18