Injunction Sought to Block Oak Flat Land Trade for Massive Arizona Copper Mine
Tribal and conservation groups asked a federal judge today to block a land trade that would hand over thousands of acres in the Tonto National Forest in central Arizona to multinational mining company Rio Tinto for the massive Resolution Copper mine. The Oak Flat area, considered sacred by Apache and other Native people, would be destroyed by the mine.

Coalition Files Massive Comments on Oak Flat DEIS
On November 7, 2019 the Arizona Mining Reform Coaliiton and 17 additional organizations filed 6,436 pages of comments (including attachments) in repsonse to a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) written by the Tonto National Forest on Resolution Copper’s...
Rio Tinto may delay Resolution Copper Project
Bloomberg Reports: July 14, 2019 David Stringer reports that Rio Tinto has discovered a large copper/silver/gold deposit in western Australia. Apparantly Rio Tinto thinks the deposit is so promising that it may leapfrog ahead of Rio Tinto’s proposed Resolution...