Sign a letter to Congress opposing the Oak Flat Land Exchange

Sign a letter to Congress opposing the Oak Flat Land Exchange

We circulated a sign on letter to accompany new information about opposition to the Oak Flat land exchange from the towns of Superior and Queen Valley. The letter was circulated in Washington, DC before a hearing on the new version of the Oak Flat land exchange, HR 687 on March 21. (HR 687 is virtually identical to HR 1904 from the last congress.

To see a copy of the letter, go here.



Town of Superior passes Resolution opposing the Oak Flat land exchange

Town of Superior passes Resolution opposing the Oak Flat land exchange

On March 13, 2013, the town council of Superior, Arizona passed a unanimous resolution opposing HR 687, the latest version of the Oak Flat land exchange.  The resolution passed following a town council meeting a week ago in which the town council took comments on their decision to oppose the land exchange and end a Mutual Benefits Agreement with Rio Tinto. At that meeting, the majority of comments supported the town decision.

During the council meeting Rio Tinto threatened to lay off it’s workers if the town passed the resolution.  This is similar to a threat Rio Tinto made last November to lay off most of their workers is the previous version of the land exchange, HR 1904, was not approved by Congress.  There is no word yet whether Rio Tinto will follow through with their threat now that the resolution has been passed.

See a copy of the resolution.