Please take a moment as 2014 draws to a close to make a charitable contribution to the Arizona Mining Reform Coalition.

2014 has been mixed bag for us, but 2015 looks to be a doozy! We need your financial support. Please make a donation to the Arizona Mining Reform Coalition so we can continue our work to protect Oak Flat, the Santa Rita Mountains, and Arizona’s many lands and waters threatened by inappropriate mining projects.

Protecting Oak Flat has been our most important issue for the past several years. However, just a few days ago, President Obama signed the Oak Flat land exchange into law. In the last month events and activities conspired that allowed Rio Tinto’s congressional supporters to successfully attach the land exchange onto the defense authorization bill. Although we gave it 150%, we were unable to stop the bill from passing.

Due to changes in the bill language, Rio Tinto will not be able to take ownership of Oak Flat for several years. This will give us time to mount a campaign to keep Oak Flat protected and in public ownership. Because Oak Flat is sacred and critically important for so many reasons, we must (and with your help, will) win our fight to protect Oak Flat. We will have many opportunities to work to Save Oak Flat in 2015, but we need your financial support.

In addition to our work to save Oak Flat, there are other important issues we also will be working on. We will be:

  • Providing input to federal and state agencies on a myriad of mining proposals including Rosemont, Oak Flat, and mines proposed near Patagonia;
  • Tracking new and old mining projects;
  • Providing a voice on the national stage to keep positive reform of federal mining laws and rules alive and fend off attempts to further weaken mining laws.
  • Traveling internationally to collaborate with people around the world impacted by Rio Tinto.
  • Continuing our Camera Project at Oak Flat has been active for more than 3 years and conducting other on the ground activities at Oak Flat and other places.
  • Meeting on a regular basis with state and federal regulatory agencies to share our views and learn what they are planning.

We can’t emphasize enough the importance of your support!  You to know what is at stake in the near future. Any amount will help, but please be as generous as you can – and dig deep! The deeper you dig into your pocket, the less digging will happen on Arizona’s precious public lands.

Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law for federal non-profit organizations.

If you prefer to mail a check or would like to know more, please contact our Director.

Roger Featherstone, Director