Aug 27, 2016 | Action Alert, Arizona Mining Oversight, Oak Flat Mining |
The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has proposed to renew Rio Tinto’s current water quality permits to discharge polluted mine water being drained from mining shafts on the company’s private property near Oak Flat.
You are invited to comment now on the permit renewal. The comment deadline is September 7, 2016.
Please submit comments now.
Jun 7, 2016 | Action Alert, Arizona Mining Oversight, Oak Flat Mining |
Please attend a public scoping meeting on Rio Tinto’s proposed plan to destroy Oak Flat.
The Tonto National Forest will be holding a public scoping meeting on June 9, 2016, in San Tan.
This additional public scoping meeting will be held at the Central Arizona College San Tan Campus, located at 3736 E. Bella Vista Rd, San Tan Valley, Arizona 85143. The meeting will run from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., with the presentation beginning at 5:30 p.m.
May 27, 2016 | Action Alert, Arizona Mining Oversight, Oak Flat Mining |
July 18, 2016, is the deadline for scoping comments on Rio Tinto’s plan to destroy Oak Flat by building a dangerous mine.
Please send the Forest Service comments to help them understand why Rio Tinto’s proposal is untenable for so many reasons.
The comment deadline is July 18, 2016.
For the last day, the Forest Service is accepting scoping comments to help them prepare a draft Environmental Impact Statement. This is a chance for you to tell the Forest Service why this proposal is so bad, and why it is so important to protect Oak Flat.
Mar 3, 2016 | Action Alert, Arizona Mining Oversight, Oak Flat Mining |
The Tonto National Forest has began the permitting process for Rio Tinto’s proposed mine at Oak Flat on March 18, 2106. The first step in the process is a 60 day scoping comment period running from March 18 – May 17. During this period, the public will provide comments to the Forest Service to help them identify the issues that should be studied and included when they write a Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
The Forest Service has scheduled 4 open houses to explain Rio Tinto’s mining plan and to take public comments. Those meetings all take place from 5:00 – 8:00 PM.
They are:
- March 31, Queen Valley Recreation Hall, 1478 East Queen Valley Drive, Queen Valley.
- April 4, Superior High School, 100 Mary Drive, Superior.
- April 5, Elks Lodge, 1775 East Maple Street, Globe.
- April 6, Southwest Regional Library, 775 North Green Field Road, Gilbert.
Feb 18, 2016 | Arizona Mining Oversight, Oak Flat Mining |

The Tonto National Forest is planning to begin the first phase of the permitting process for Rio Tinto’s proposed destructive mine at Oak Flat, associated toxic tailings dump, and other facilities in the near future. The first phase of the process is called scoping and will begin with a publc comment period for input into what issues the Tonto National Forest should address when they write a Draft Environmental Impact Statement. While the Forest Service is jumping the gun on the scoping process as they do not have current and complete information about Rio Tinto’s current plans, we urge everyone to take part in the process.
The Concerened Citizens and Retired Miners Coalition has commissioned several 3D scale models showing what Rio Tinto’s current plans look like in graphic and accurate detail. These models will be featured at a series of upcoming public meetings we are taking part in to help the public prepare for the scoping process.
Please attend one of these meetings. (More are being scheduled and this page will be updated to reflect the current schedule.) If you’d like to host a meeting, please let us know.
February 19 – Queen Valley
7:00 pm
Queen Valley Rec Hall, Main Street, Queen Valley
March 3 – Gold Canyon
7:00 pm
Best Western Gold Canyon Inn and Suites at 8333 E. Sunrise Sky Drive, Gold Canyon AZ 85118. (Highway 60 and King’s Ranch Road.)
The models can also be viewed at Oak Flat Campground on the afternoon of February 27 and on February 28 after the March to Oak Flat arrives.
Feb 18, 2016 | Action Alert, Arizona Mining Oversight, Oak Flat Mining |
Apache Stronghold, one of our Coalition member groups, will be hosting an Anniversary March from the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation to Oak Flat. Please attend and help spread the word. Take a look at the flyer for more information.
For more than a year, Apache Stronghold has been encamped at Oak Flat to protect it from Rio Tinto’s distructive mining plans.