Please donate to help us protect Arizona from inappropriate mining.

We need your financial assistance to help us protect Oak Flat, and other precious places in Arizona under assault by foreign mining companies.

2020 has been a tough year for everyone.  This has been especially true for the Arizona Mining Reform Coalition.  The COVID-19 virus pandemic has made it both financially and logistically more difficult for us to make a difference.  Donations have been down this year and some of the foundations we rely on have eliminated funding cycles.  Meanwhile our well-funded international mining company opponents have taken advantage of the pandemic to further their plans to destroy much of what we hold sacred.

In a normal year, we rely heavily on your financial contributions to do our job, and this year, we need you even more.  We understand that many are just not able to give right now, but if you can, it will make a huge difference.

In particular, our struggle to protect Oak Flat is at a critical point.  The Trump administration’s political appointees overseeing the Forest Service are putting a lot of pressure on the Tonto National Forest to give Oak Flat to Rio Tinto before the new Biden administration takes office in late January.  We are pulling out all the stops to counteract this pressure, and doing all we can to protect Oak Flat.  However, our effectiveness is directly related to how much you help by both donating financially and taking action.  We will probably need to go to court to stop the land exchange and to prevent permits from being issued for the Resolution Copper mine proposal. That will take money.

Many of our other campaigns are also at a turning point and we are feeling optimistic as the winds of change appear to now be blowing our way.

Please dig deep and help us protect Arizona’s communities and the environment from inappropriate mining activities.  As always, we will stretch your contributions to the limit to make them reach as far as possible.

Any day is a good day to donate to keep our work alive!

Roger Featherstone, Director

Please Donate now!