Executive Director Job Announcement

Executive Director Job Announcement

Summary Description: AMRC is seeking an Executive Director to replace our current Director who is retiring. This half time (20 hours/week) position reports to the Board of Directors (with strategic direction from the Steering Committee of members of the coalition) and is responsible for all planning, organization, and implementation of AMRC’s operations and programs. The new Executive Director will be responsible for leading all fundraising efforts, maintaining the organization’s infrastructure and growing the organization. With excellent fundraising skills, the position may become full time.

Timing: Applicants will be reviewed beginning January 20, 2025, and then as received. The ideal start date for this position is March 1, 2025.

Geographic Location: This is a virtual position and the new Director will work from a home office. The new Director must reside in Arizona. The successful applicant must be willing to travel within and without Arizona.

Recent Court Ruling does not Advance Resolution Copper Proposed Mine

Recent Court Ruling does not Advance Resolution Copper Proposed Mine

Initial press on the ruling made it seem that the court ruling clears the way for the Resolution Copper mine proposal which would destroy Oak Flat, a sacred site and a recreational and ecological haven on public land within the Tonto National Forest.

However, the ruling does no such thing. As Chairman of the San Carlos Apache Tribe, Terry Rambler said in recent press statement, “The culturally and environmentally devastating Resolution project is no closer to construction today than it was before the appeals court ruling.”

Definitely Not a Gift

Definitely Not a Gift

It is not hard to see who is benefiting from this contract and it’s not the town or its residents.  Resolution Copper does all the dictating in the agreement for its benefit.  I don’t regard anything here in the agreement as a gift. The town would benefit financially if they annexed all-mine facilities to include Oak Flat mine area. The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) noted that the Town of Superior would benefit the least financially from this project due to it not being in the town’s city limits.

Notice of Intent to Sue EPA Over Queen Creek Pollution

Notice of Intent to Sue EPA Over Queen Creek Pollution

“Instead of doing its job to protect Queen Creek, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality is allowing Resolution Copper Company to add more pollutants to an already polluted stream,” said Roger Featherstone, director of the Arizona Mining Reform Coalition. “It is time for EPA to step in to protect a creek that is valued by so many Arizonans.”